
Add Downstream Accounts

Follow the guide below to add downstream accounts and grant them read-only access to a selection of author names

1. Open the Downstream Accounts tab in Profile Settings

  • Open the Profile Setting page from the My Account section in the sidebar
  • Click the Downstream Accounts tab
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2. Add a Downstream Account

  • Enter an email address for an existing Publisher Champ account
  • Select the author names to grant the downstream user access to (read-only)
  • Click the Save Changes button to save these changes!
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3. Add/Edit/Delete accounts

  • Click the Add Another Account button to add additional accounts. In the new row, enter the details for the additional user
  • Click the delete button next to any row you wish to delete
  • Edit any configurations needed
  • Don't forget to click Save Changes after making any changes!
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4. Success!

  • After successfully saving your changes, your downstream user will be able to see the restricted data from the upstream user, for the authors specified
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If you need any assistance, please feel free to email us at: support@publisherchamp.com
Or send us a message through our live chat!