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How can I merge books/titles together?

In this guide, we will show you the step-by-step process on how you can merge books/titles together, so that the royalties and expenses for these titles show unified across our platform.

  1. Go to our Bookshelf & BSRs page

  2. Find the book titles you want to merge/group together

  3. Click the yellow edit button on your chosen book's row to open the Edit Details popup (you can click any yellow edit button)

  1. Add a Title Alias

    1. Enter an alias of your choice into the Title Alias box at the top of the popup**

      1. This will be the used in place of book title in the Book Stats and Dashboard pages
      2. Title Aliases are case-sensitive. For successful merging, ensure aliases are spelt identically across a grouping
    2. Click the save button at the bottom of the popup to save your changes

    3. You should see the title aliases populated in the table rows

  1. Repeat the above process for all the books you want to merge, ensuring that all of the have the same Alias.
    Identical Alias, means the books will be merge together across all pages of our platform!